Thursday, November 24, 2005

Prepaid Phone Card Industry Turning the Corner!

Since 2001 the prepaid phone card industry has been struggling immensely. Wrought by increased competition (everyone was flocking to the industry to make a quick buck), decreasing margins, poor management (let's face it many people running phone card businesses had little business knowledge) and corruption the industry flowed down hill until 2003 - 2004 when so many companies came crashing down.

Well it looks like that is a thing of the past and phone card business is starting to show signs of a comeback. Consumer confidence is now almost renewed and the decreased competition has driven rates back into an acceptable area where carriers can now actually make a profit! As long as the business keeps their heads about them, and stays at a manageable number hopefully those of us that stuck with it can actually start to make profits again! I am not looking for ridiculous profits, just a reasonable return for my time and efforts. You will never catch me driving a BMW and living in a million dollar home like many people I new in the industry. My profits get reinvested in to the future of my company!

To all others who have stuck it out in this industry, I say congratulations and keep on trucking!

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