Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The New at&t is Everywhere!

Everywhere I turn lately I am being bombarded with the new at&t commercials! Online their banners are posted all over, on TV the commercials run about every hour on every major network and they are starting to appear in print now as well!

This has got to be costing them a huge amount of $$$$ and my guess would be that in about a month or so we will not hear or sear much more of them for a while. With an ad spend like this they will definitely have to go dark for a while or risk heading down the same path as the old AT&T.

I hope they didn't pay big bucks for the new logo and for having someone come up with the idea to spell out at&t in lower case letters. Still looks the same to me!

I have been a long time supporter of the old At&T, using them for my long distance and to buy phone cards but I am still a little skeptical of SBC and how much of the old AT&T burocratic mess they inherited. The reality is that AT&T became worse than government in their internal politics and processes that made it necessary for six people to approve an employee going to the bathroom and there was no way that they could turn the place into an efficient business being as large as they were. Well SBC is now in the position that they can streamline many of the areas but unfortunately by keeping the name they were no doubt forced to keep much of the burocratic mess.

All I can say is good luck SBC with becoming the new at&t and at least you picked a nice OASIS song for your TV ads.

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