Sunday, July 15, 2007

IDT Gets A Bum Rap!

I keep getting questions and comments about IDT like so "How long do you think IDT has left?" and "Man do they suck" but somehow I can't help but feel like IDT is getting a bad rap!

I think people need to take a step back and realize one thing, if IDT is doing bad then most likely the other phone card companies are doing bad. The only difference is that IDT is a publicly traded company and all of their results have to made available to the masses, while the other companies can hide their woes.

The reality is that the phone card business is not what it used to be and never will be as big as it was ever again. However, this does not mean that international calling cards are a dead business, there is still a large market, it just will not provide the numbers like it used to do. I can't help but wonder if we were all allowed to see the financials of companies like STI, Dollar Phone, Locus, CVT, and Oblio that the downward trend would be the same!

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