Saturday, April 29, 2006

Ethnic Marketing and Prepaid Promotional Phone Cards

Years ago you used to see big companies like Coke, Mercedes and CitiBank using promotional phone cards as part of their promotional item mix but in recent years, phone cards have been less attractive to the mass market with cell phones making domestic long distance practically free.

You will get no argument from me on staying away from phone cards as promotional items to the mass market but I think companies should seriously consider phone cards as promotional items in an ethnic marketing campaign.

Lets say you are Goya and are trying to think of a marketing strategy to build brand loyalty. Why not give a 15 or 20 minute promotional phone card to your customers as a promotion. Make the card so it gives 15 to 20 minutes to all Latin American countries and I guarantee that your customers will eat this promotion up! There are so many hot ethnic communities where this type of promotion would just plain work! Filipino, Polish, Czech, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Mexicans, Ecuadorians and so many more.

If you are trying to reach one of the above ethnic communities, this will get you so much more mileage than a free sample or a t-shirt. Best of all you can gather customer information from the call records if you like...

It's a marketing strategy that will be gaining popularity and now is the time to help stand out and reward your customers with something they will love.

If you are interested just post a comment or drop me a note and I will help get you pointed in the right direction.

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